Harmony Natural Health

Artwork Terms

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Vector Artwork: Artwork that stores mathematical information about shapes and lines is called vectors. They can be scaled easily without producing the "stair-step" edges you will see in pixel-based (raster) images. They adapt to the resolution of any output device and are considered to be resolution independent. They are produced by programs like Adobe Illustrator®, Macromedia FreeHand® and CorelDRAW®.

Raster Artwork: Artwork and images that are defined by a checkerboard pattern, similar to viewing mosaic tiles. Raster images are limited by the number of pixels and cannot be enlarged without producing noticeably jagged, stair-stepped edges. They are produced by digital cameras, scanners, and can also be created by programs like Adobe PhotoShop and CorelPHOTO-PAINT (among others).

Spot Color: Solid, generally flat fields of color. Used for silk screening where a printer can lay down several solid areas of color to produce multi-colored artwork; also used to identify additional colors in a four-color process file or print job.

Color Space: Refers to the use of color in an imprint or graphic file. Defined for our purposes as spot color, no color, RGB or CMYK.

RGB: Colors defined as a combination of three colors red, green and blue to produce millions of other colors.

CMYK: Colors defined using a combination of four colors cyan, magenta, yellow and black to produce millions of other colors; often refered to as four-color process.

Resolution: The measurement of quality (pixel per inch in file or dots per inch in output). Low-resolution images may be as low as 72 dpi (or less). High-resolution images may be as high as 600 dpi (or more).